Walking Together for Safety and Respect

Ending DFSV

Adelaide PHN would like to invite you to attend an online information session regarding the implementation of the Supporting the Primary Care Response to Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence pilot project in South Australia.


Supporting the Primary Care Response to Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence in South Australia


As a reminder, you may have recently taken part in a collaborative design process to localise a model to strengthen the response to family, domestic and sexual violence (including child sexual abuse) in primary care environments, and ultimately improve the experience of people experiencing violence who seek support from their primary care providers. The project is part of a national pilot funded by the Commonwealth and delivered by Adelaide PHN in partnership with Country SA PHN here in SA. More information about the national pilot can be found here.

The collaborative design phase is complete, and the PHN has received a report co-created with a core co-design group and specialist facilitators. The model builds on the Recognise, Respond, Refer (RRR) model designed by Brisbane South PHN, with most adaptations focused on the “local link” component of the model to address the unique needs of South Australians in the pilot sites. As the PHN looks towards implementation of the model in 2025 and beyond, we are keen to share the co-created model with those who took part in the design and their networks.


Details of the online information sessions:


Metro providers:

Date: 20/02/2025

Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm

Location: Microsoft Teams

Metro (Adelaide) Registration Link

Country/regional providers:

Date: 21/02/2025

Time: 9:00am-10:30am

Location: Microsoft Teams

Country/Regional Registration Link

If you are interested, please register via the appropriate link above. The information will be the same in each session, but tailored slightly for each region with a recording available after each session.


Purpose of the information session


In the spirit of collaboration and system integration that the model aspires to, Adelaide PHN will be hosting an online information session to provide further information about the collaborative design process and share the co-created model with stakeholders in the pilot region. The session will include an opportunity for you to reflect on the model with other stakeholders, ask questions directly to the project team, discuss how the model aligns with work already being done in the sector and even where the model and the sector could go in the medium and long-term.


Important Probity Information


It is important to note that this Information Session is not part of the tendering process for the Local Link function. Adelaide PHN ensures that all prospective applicants have a fair and equitable opportunity to access the same information, as such, Adelaide PHN will not be taking questions relating to the tender process during this Information Session. A separate Pre-Tender Briefing session will be held by Adelaide PHN for prospective applicants which will provide an opportunity to learn about the tender process and ask any specific questions. Potential applicants will be separately invited by email to the Pre-Tender Briefing. Prospective applicants for the Local Link function must not rely in any way on information provided in the Information Session for the purpose of preparing their tender, without taking into consideration the tender documentation that will be released as a part of the tender.

Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues who you think may be interested in attending, and apologies in advance for any cross posting. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to fdsv@adelaidephn.com.au.




Thankyou to everyone who participated in the pilot, the program will now progress through to the next stage.

NINI invites Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victim-survivors of Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence (DFSV), as well as any stakeholders supporting our communities in overcoming DFSV, to connect with us. If you have something to share and live in Northern Adelaide, Port Augusta, Whyalla, or Port Pirie, we would love to hear from you.


This stage is now complete.

What are we doing?

Family, Domestic & Sexual Violence | Adelaide PHN

We are holding culturally safe, informal, private and confidential yarns across the state (in priority areas identified by the PHN’s) that will help shape the primary care sector to respond to family, domestic and sexual violence.

These conversations will be confidential and will contribute to insights being shared with a core co-design group in the form of a summary of what we have talked about today.

Quick history

Back in 2018, a model to support primary care was developed with Brisbane South PHN called RRR; Recognise, Respond, Refer.

Since then, a group of PHNs across the country have been funded to pilot and adapt the model to the needs of their local communities and contexts.

This is why we are talking to you today so we can understand the unique challenges and opportunities in South Australia.

How will my stories be used?

After this yarning with a real sense of purpose, information will be synthesised, de-identified and filtered down to inform a co-design team who are making decisions about how the model will be shaped and adapted to fit in the unique South Australian context.

This co-design team will represent Victim Survivors, Primary Care and the FDSV sector. Your perspective will help us set up a pilot to be implemented in South Australia.

We’ll talk more about this when we go through the informed consent process.

Community Conversations are complete. Thankyou.

Round 1: 14 Oct – 8 Nov, 2024

Round 2: 18 Nov – 6 Dec, 2024

Priority Areas: Northern Adelaide, Pt Augusta, Whyalla, Pt Pirie

Please contact NINI on 1300 294 003 or info@nini.au if you wish to speak with us, we would love to hear from you.